Today is a good day! So we have a new BG to celebrate! Look at those kitties!
Over this long weekend I really locked in and got good work done on the vampire essay. It bloated from a “mini-essay” to being longer than all my game write-ups so far. I struggled with going on too many anecdotes, so I had to bite the bullet and cut some things which were only tangentially related. I just love writing about bullshit okay!
With all the editing completed, as well as the uploading, you can now officially read the essay here. I also included an alt format to avoid image issues and/or eye-strain. Just like with past essays, it’ll stay linked in “My Media.”
Writing this one was especially fun. It stemmed from a question I’ve always had as a vampire fan-- Why don’t we see more of them in video games? From here I went on to explore the game which invented survival horror, Resident Evil 1. It was a total blast to play. With how it reinvigorated my love of the genre, it became something of a second subject for the essay.
If it sounds like I’m raving too much about RE1 in the essay, it’s because it’s just that good. Trust. Oh and if ur a game dev HMU let's make that sexy vampire horror game happen :D