Dear friends and followers and web-roamers, thanks for reading this blog for, like, a couple months or something. That’s really cool. I’ve been posting less frequently for a few reasons: I’m DEEP in the throes of winter term and it’s only week two. Can’t go anywhere but up from here I guess? Also been playing a lotta games in my free time, which you'll see reflected in an essay soon. It’s a bit shorter and less researched than the Life is Strange one. But if things work out, there may also be a new video coming in the future!

Still too early to tell much about it, not cuz it’s a secret but cuz I really don’t know how the final product will look. I’m not even done with the script! Anyways, sparser posts always seem to fit better for blogs, so it feels more like a little weekly check-up, you know?

In the spirit of check-ups, here’s a few things which have been on my mind today: First and foremost is David Lynch (R.I.P.). Also bouncing around in there are pastrami sandwiches (I’m gonna get one tomorrow), Persona (I rlly still have to play 4), the future (That one never leaves), and this experience I had in a school lab this week. Might have more to say on it, but not right now. Safe to say it was an eye-opener.

Ever since I started this blog, I’ve been fighting the urge to open a comment box / message box. But the whole point of this was to be a one-way discussion: Putting my thoughts and projects and ideas out into the world. I’m such a desperate motherfucker for validation, so I can’t help but stalk my views and comments and all that. Keeping this conversation one-way is how I reject that mentality. Sometimes it feels better to leave things undiscussed. For those of you who I’ve actually spoken with (Cuz you’re my friend!) thanks for the support and for reading this junk! You’re invited to my birthday on the 28th!!! See you there!!!

Happy funny Friday, folks :P