Simplicity is a lost art in video games. I doubt this is controversial, but I much prefer a fun, simple game than learning a buncha MMO rules and regulations. Simplicity is sleek and intuitive. Here’s what I mean, with examples:

Focusing on one (Or a couple) mechanic(s) is easier to learn and nicer to play than a whole hotbar of mini-actions. When everything stems out from a single feature-- Ex. the simulated pixels in Noita-- it can result in a cute n tight experience. From there, the game design can branch out into challenges related to that mechanic-- Ex. Noita’s enemies-- or different ways to interact with it-- Ex. Noita’s wands.

Also consider: Directional attacks. I have a soft spot for this, the foremost sources being Metal Gear Rising and… my beloved Ape Escape. Not only do your attack directions provide opportunities for variations, techniques, interactions, etc… but it's also just really fun! A mechanic to juxtapose: Horizon’s bow combat. In my opinion, it's pretty nice and cool. Everything else in that game? Not nice and kinda boring. The towers… and collectibles… and side quests… and open world… Ugh. No such issues in Ape Escape my darling.

This has all been on the mind due to the resurfacing of my old 3DS, and with it a deluge of nostalgia for Nintendo’s portable design philosophy: Less buttons, smaller HUD, more fun sounds. 3DS turn-based RPGs (Miitopia, Persona Q, Mystery Dungeon) have their own special kind of design magic. All of their excess is cut-- It's just simple, fun RPG combat boiled down to its purest form.

Finally finishing the Phoenix Wright Trilogy on the ol thing has been a blast. The simplicity of its two-screen layout is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Also worth mentioning: There’s no DS game I’ve played that does the “fun sounds” thing better than Pheonix Wright.

I’ve mentioned a lot of games from ye olden times, but some new ones do this too. Just turn your eyes to the indie space! For tight mechanics, go check out Nine Sols. It's practically parry-porn. For simple turn-based RPGs, I can’t recommend the RPGmaker series enough-- My money is on Hylics as the standout you should try, but I’m also in the habit of dying on long-abandoned hills. So. You could also just do whatever you want. Zoom. Ba.