I frequently get dreams about food. IDK if its some kinda psycho-sexual thing or if food is just always on my mind but yeah no its definitely the latter. Food is really good so of course I dream about it. Here’s some examples to illustrate:

10/15/2024. Recurring dream in which I go to a place called “Chico’s” near where I used to live and order a pizza. This time I remember the toppings pretty well, it was a pepperoni pizza.

7/30/2024. My girlfriend drove me to this ramen place in my hometown (Tokyo Teriyaki) and we got big bowls of ramen. The kind you slurp up loudly.

6/23/2024. In my dream I was chewing on a VERY rubbery biscuit that almost felt boiled. When I woke up, I was chewing on the medical gauze from my wisdom tooth surgery.

5/22/2024. I was at some kind of a mall and ate a hot dog. To my disgust, it had a cartoonish spine inside. I chipped a tooth on. Still tasted good.

5/4/2024. Ordering a sandwich at Subway but I was so hungry I just couldn’t stop staring at the sandwich the desk guy was making. I didn’t even eat anything, I just stared at it hungrily and then I woke up. (Does dreaming about not eating food count?)

2/20/2024. Drove to this Dairy Queen by my old high school and it was 4 am but they were open. I ordered and devoured a pumpkin spice blizzard.

11/23/2023. Another dream in “Chico’s,” except I was a kid, playing in the arcade. I was playing one of those light gun games, but my grandma had me stop cuz it was too violent. This dream actually prompted me to visit there the next time I visited home. The pizza was alright but the building is phenomenally strange-- There's a huge “wall of pizza,” across from which are many seats pointed towards it. Everything is centered around the wall of pizza, which is also where you order. The arcade still exists but only as a couple cabs pushed into the far corner of the pizzeria.

9/4/2023. Went to this nice hotel with my girlfriend and we ordered room service. We got jerk chicken and ate in the hot tub luxuriously.

12/7/2024. I met a fellow named “Nugget Freddy” who could pull his limbs into his own body, thereby going “Nugget mode.” I didn’t eat him, but found it worth considering.

???/???/2022. The first appearance of “Chico’s” in a dream, I went there and got pizza with my sister and a school friend. I know it was 2022 due to it being after a long day at high school.

8/28/2020. At a big house party at one of my old childhood houses, my mom was at the stove cooking a giant muttonchop. I distinctly remember her playing the Monster Hunter cooking minigame and pulling it off the stove at the perfect color. It was amazing.