I started this blog three weeks ago and I haven’t gotten bored of Posting yet! That’s so awesome and consistent of me, lets see if I can keep it up into 2025 :P If you missed it, I posted a video game essay in the media tab. Lately I’ve been working on more narrative writing but idk if I have the courage to share yet…
When I was a preteen, I learned about something watching the X-Files that would capture my imagination for quite a while. I’ve been thinking about it ever since, but especially after rewatching the show this past year: Alien abduction fetishists.
Okay, okay, “fetishist” probably isn’t the right word (Cuz the sex aspect isn’t always present). Maybe “fanciers?” or “fantasizers?” Regardless, as a kid I was terrified by the idea of being abducted by aliens. However, these fantasizers actually want to be abducted. The reasons behind this phenomenon are as grim as you could imagine.
Consider: Trauma, abuse, neglect, isolation. Being abducted is a fanciful way to leave it all behind. I also wonder if the induced helplessness is relevant-- Being stripped of control, tied to a table, tested on, etc. That probably plays into the sexual aspect too…
Also, consider the connection between alien abduction reports and the American Southwest… It can be a flat, hot, and miserable place to live. The people, so small. The sky, so big. I can’t blame them for wanting to fly away.
To see better examples of what I mean, you could watch The X-Files or listen to Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead. But I can’t really recommend either wholeheartedly (For reasons too long-winded to explain rn, just trust)... And this is why, for a while now, I have been obsessed with weaving abduction fetishism into a story of my own. The thought of being taken away is just so evocative I can’t help but wonder. Consider: Aliens, one day.