And… The new D.B.D.S.U. is born! With cool new colors, fonts, etc. I rebirthed this site with a template by Zonelets which I’d highly recommend if you’re new to code and would like to start a blog as well. There’s a link in the footer.

Tonight I’m thinking about my relationship with the “online Jude,” or the parts of me which I put onto the web. On some sites I’m rather quiet, but on others, I can never shut up. On some accounts I try to wear a certain debonair persona, while on others I speak my mind openly.

It’s strange and a little frightening how the media I interact with has such a strong effect on my perceived self. Well, Neocities hopefully should be different. Here I can do things more to my own liking, as my identity won’t be tied down to any one megacorp’s design. It’s nice to write so freely without character limits, and to browse content without ads. In other words, I hate Twitter more than you could know.

The only standard I want to hold myself to here is truthfulness. As an internet child, I’ve experimented with crafting false identities online, just for my own escapism. Not a single attempt at doing this has caught on. There’s just no drive for me to commit to a medium when I can’t be myself, or at least some aspect of myself...

Anyways, I had a dream a few months ago which I can’t stop thinking about. Dreams are such an interesting window into what makes you, you, and me, me.